Aim, Scope, Basis and Definitions
Article 1 –(1)The purpose of this regulation is to clarify the aims, activities, administrative bodies and functions of Leadership and Governance Research and Application Center.
Article 2 –(1)This regulation includes the issues relating to the aims, activities, administrative bodies and functions of Leadership and Governance Research and Application Center.
Article 3-(1)This regulation has been prepared in accordance with law number 2547 dated 4/11/1981, Item 1, options (d), and number (2), and Article 14 of the Higher Education Law.
Article 4- (1) (Changed O.G.22.04.2018/30399)The references in this bylaw are as follows;
a) Advisory Board: Advisory Board of the Center,
b) Director: Director of the Center,
c) Center: Izmir University of Economics Leadership and Governance Research and Application Center,
ç) Board of Trustees: Board of Trustees of Izmir University of Economics,
d) Rector: Rector of Izmir University of Economics,
e) University: Izmir University of Economics,
f) Administrative Board: Administrative Board of the Center.
The Aim of the Center, the Fields of Activities of the Center
The Aim of the Center
Article 5-(1)The aim of the Center is to work in the framework of the principles stipulated in the mission and vision of Izmir University of Economics, and to perform original works that highlight strong leadership, accurate decision-making, good governance and ethical values in order to “Raise the leaders that will manage the future” and shape the world of business, economics and politics.
The Fields of Activities of the Center
Article 6 –(1)The operations that the Center will perform in accordance with its aims and about leadership, good governance and ethical values:
a) Organizing applied education programs,
b) Organizing conferences and seminars,
c) Making researches and publishing the results in form of research reports, articles and books,
d) Offering strategic consultancy service regarding the subjects of its field of activity,
e) Making works to integrate the experiences gained regarding the field of activity of the Center with education programs on undergraduate and graduate degree.
Branches of the Center and Their Duties
Branches of the Center
Article 7 –(1)The Leadership and Governance Research and Application Center consists of the following branches:
a) Director,
b) Advisory Board.
c) (Add O.G.22.04.2018/30399)Administrative Board
Article 8 –(1)The candidate proposed by the Rector is appointed by the Board of Trustees for a term of two years as the “Director of the Leadership and Governance Center”. When the assignment period of the Director of the Center expires, s/he can be reassigned.
The Authorization and Responsibilities of the Director
Article 9-(1)The Director rules the center in accordance with its aims.
(2) (Changed O.G.22.04.2018/30399)Prepares the annual activity report of the Center based on the recommendations of the Advisory Board and the University’s academic units.
(3) (Changed O.G.22.04.2018/30399) The Director calls Administrative Board to a meeting, implements the work program and the decisions taken by the Administrative Board, and supervises the activities. Prepares the annual activity report of the Center and submits it to the Administrative Board.
Advisory Board
Article 10 – (1) In order to shape and evaluate the activities of the center, Advisory Board consists of at least 7 distinguished members that will be selected by the Board of Trustees with the proposal of the Rector among the people who excelled in the field of leadership and governance. Board of Directors of the Center gathers at least twice a year upon the invitation of the Director of the Center.
(2) President of Board of Trustees, Rector and the Director of the Center are the natural members of the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board chooses a president among its members.
(3) The term of office of the Advisory Board is two years. The members can be re-elected at the end of their term of office. A new member can be appointed in the case of a member who resigns before his/her term is over.
Administrative Board and its Duties
Article 10/A - (Add O.G.22.04.2018/30399) (1) Administrative Board of the Center is made up of five people; three of whom are assigned by the Rector, one person among the members of Board of Trustees assigned by the Board of Trustees, and the Director of the Center.
(2) The term of office, for Administrative Board members, is two years. The members whose assignment period expire may be reassigned. New members may be assigned to conclude the period of the members who leave before their assignments expire.
(3) Administrative Board gathers at least once a month upon the invitation of the Director of the Center and they revise the activities of the Center and take decisions about the related subjects. The Director may call the Administrative Board to meet when necessary. Administrative Board gathers with absolute majority and majority of votes takes the decisions
Article 10/B -(Add O.G.22.04.2018/30399) (1) Administrative Board ascertains the bases regarding the arrangement of the activity report that the Director of the Center will prepare at the end of each activity period, evaluates the presented report, discusses and adjudicates the working program of the next period.
(2) Administrative Board prepares the draft budget with the Director, and submits to the Rector to be submitted for the approval of the Board of Trustees.
Final Provisions
Article 11 -This directive takes effect on the date it is published.
Article 12 -The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics implements the rules and regulations of this policy.
This directive takes effect on the date of its publication on the Official Gazette dated21/08/2009 and numbered 27326.