Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions
ARTICLE 1- (1) This regulation has been prepared to regulate the principles of medical specialty education provided by the relevant divisions at Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine.
ARTICLE 2- (1) This regulation covers the principles of specialty education to be applied to specialty students who are entitled to receive education at Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine through the Medical Specialty Examination.
ARTICLE 3- (1) This regulation has been prepared in accordance with the "Bylaw on Specialization Education in Medicine and Dentistry" numbered 31942, published in the Official Gazette on 03.09.2022, regarding medical specialty education at Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine, with the aim of structuring and conducting medical specialization and subspecialization education provided through relevant divisions, at high standards defined by national and international boards.
ARTICLE 4- (1) The references in this regulation are as follows:
a) Division: Division of medical specialty education,
b) Department: Faculty of Medicine, Departments of Basic, Internal and Surgical Medical Sciences
c) Core curriculum: The minimum education and training curriculum that must be included in the program in order to complete the specialty education and that each medical specialty student must take during the specialty education in the relevant field,
ç) Advisor faculty member: Faculty member who follows and guides the student receiving specialty education,
d) Dean: Dean of Izmir University of Economics,
e) Educator: A person authorized to provide specialty education,
f) Education Officer: The head of the division responsible for the functioning and coordination of education in the relevant program,
g) Faculty Board (FB): Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine Board,
ğ) Expanded core corriculum: Institution-specific education and training curriculum, including the core curriculum,
h) IUE: Izmir University of Economics,
ı) IUEFoM: Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine,
i) Program: A functional structure created by one or more units, containing the educational, standards of a particular branch of expertise and structured to cover the core curriculum.
j) Program coordinator: Specialty education program coordinastor appointed by the department head of division,
k) Rotation: The mandatory education that a medical specialty student must complete outside of his/her own branch, as determined by the Medical Specialty Board, during his/her specialty education period.
l) Representative: Representative of medical specialty students,
m) Thesis advisor: The faculty member who manages the thesis of the medical specialty student,
n) Medical Specialty Education: The theoretical and practical postgraduate education required to become a specialist in specific divisions,
o) Medical Specialty Board (MSB): A board established within the Ministry of Health to make decisions on specialty education,
ö) MSEC: Medical Specialty Education Committee
p) MSBCDS: Medical Specialty Board Curriculum Development and Standard Setting System
r) Statute: Statute on Specialization in Medicine with decision number 24790 published in the Official Gazette on 19/06/2002,
s) Specialty Education Report Card: Medical specialty student competency form applied by the Specialty Education Tracking System,
ş) Medical Specialty Student: Person who receives specialty education in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaw on Specialization Education in Medicine and Dentistry,
t) Competency Committee: A committee established in each field of specialization, consisting of at least three faculty members of that field,
u) Regulation: Izmir University of Economics Regulation on Medical Specialty Education,
ü) Bylaw: The “Bylaw on Specialization Education in Medicine and Dentistry" numbered 31942, published in the Official Gazette on 03.09.2022.
Education, Medical Specialty Students and Educators
ARTICLE 5- (1) The admission and obligations of medical specialization students at IUEFoM are carried out in accordance with the Bylaw on Specialization Training in Medicine and Dentistry, numbered 31942, published in the Official Gazette on 03/09/2022.
Duties and Responsibilities of Medical Specialty Students
ARTICLE 6- (1) Medical specialty students work in accordance with the Higher Education Law No. 2547. They take part in research and education activities and health service provision under the supervision and monitoring of all educators in the program.
(2) Their duties and responsibilities are as follows:
a) Complying with the dress code regulations of the hospital where they work,
b) Fulfilling the educational, research, and practical activities specified in their specialty education report card,
c) Performing the services required by their education, fulfilling the shifts organized by the division, making changes to the shift schedule in a proper and written manner in cases of excuses, and not leaving the shift location without handing over their duties,
ç) Carrying out tasks related to their specialty assigned by the program coordinator, participating in pre-graduate medical education practices under the supervision and monitoring of the educators in the relevant division, and acting as exam invigilators when required,
d) Conducting and/or participating in post-graduate courses, seminars, literature/case presentations, and other educational activities determined by the relevant unit,
e) Being present for undergraduate educational activities if necessary,
f) Adhering to ethical rules in all duties, events, and practices,
g) Completing necessary procedures and preparing files for hospitalized patients,
ğ) Notifying relevant specialists about cases requiring urgent diagnosis, treatment, and intervention; completing the examination and laboratory results for non-urgent cases and preparing them for rounds; and attending rounds with specialists to provide information about incidents and patients in the ward
h) Prioritizing routine laboratory examinations and practices essential for students in laboratory and practice-intensive fields, for their training during their education period,
ı) Completing tasks related to the operation of the clinic, when assigned to outpatient clinics.
i) Taking necessary measures for urgent tasks or services related to medical management in the ward and laboratory. Informing the ward specialist in situations requiring specialist consultation during working hours; contacting the on-duty specialist outside working hours, or, if necessary, the hospital on-duty specialist, and additionally, notifying their location when leaving the ward,
j) Ensuring and monitoring the entry of all patient-related information into the computer system (such as correspondence regarding patient admission/discharge, preparation of discharge summaries, preparation of medical reports, temporary reports, and death notifications) and presenting these to the responsible specialist or faculty member),
k) Overseeing the duties of nurses, dietitians, midwives, nurse assistants, medical technicians, and auxiliary staff in service areas, ensuring that tasks are carried out appropriately and on time, supervising the cleanliness and order of the ward, patient care, and ensuring that medications and meals are provided as indicated on schedules, warning those who fail to perform their duties properly, and reporting persistent issues to their superiors.
l) Undertaking on-call duties as specified by relevant laws and regulations, taking the continuous health service required by their specialty field into consideration, and complying with the rules set by the division heads and align with the hospital's operational principles,
m) Not requesting consultations from other specialties without the approval of the specialists or faculty members they work with,
n) Not requesting examinations that impose financial burdens on patients or interventional risks with the application to be made (e.g., CT scans, MRIs, angiography, biopsy) without the approval of their faculty members or specialists,
o) Executing all orders, directives, and suggestions related to tasks and services given by division heads and other educators on time.
(3) The on-call schedule for specialty students must not exceed eight shifts per month, with no shifts occurring more frequently than every three days. Specialty students working night shifts cannot provide health services the following day.
(4) Medical specialty students cannot open private clinics or work in any paid or unpaid jobs outside the requirements of their specialty education.
(5) Specialty students found working in violation of this regulation will have their specialty education terminated following a disciplinary investigation and be reported to the Medical Specialty Board (MSB).
Disciplinary Procedures
ARTICLE 7- (1) Article 53 of Law No. 2547 shall be applied in the disciplinary procedures of medical specialty students.
Election and Duties of Representative of Medical Specialty Students
ARTICLE 8-(1) Every year in January, the “specialty student representative” is elected among the specialty students in the diivision and serves for one year.
(2) The representative has the right to have a say in the design and evaluation of the specialty education program, working conditions and decisions taken at all levels in all related processes. In this context, he/she represents the specialty students of the division in the meetings to which he/she is invited by the academic board of the division, MSEC and the dean's office.
(3) The representative is responsible for communicating the problems and solutions identified in the meetings held by the specialty students among themselves to the head of the division and the dean's office; ensuring communication among the specialty students and sharing feedback.
Medical Specialty Curriculum
ARTICLE 9- (1) Each division offering medical specialty education prepares an expanded core curriculum based on the core curriculum established by MSB (Medical Specialty Board), while also taking into account the opinions of relevant national and international specialty associations. Educators and specialty students in the respective division work collaboratively to expand the curriculum, considering the annual program evaluation report.
(2) The expanded core curriculum is finalized during a meeting led by the division's program coordinator and discussed at the relevant division’s academic board. It is then submitted for approval to the MSEC (Medical Specialty Edaucation Comittee) and subsequently to the Faculty Board. Changes to the program are approved based on recommendations from the division’s academic board, with MSEC's knowledge.
(3) The expanded core curriculum includes:
a) The core curriculum,
b) Additional clinical and practical activities deemed necessary beyond the core curriculum,
c) All training activities within the division’s medical specialty education program,
ç) Internal and external rotations,
d) Scientific research activities,
e) Information about examinations and the thesis,
f) Responsibilities of students based on their seniority level.
(4) Education programs should create opportunities for specialty students to engage in research and work in areas of interest.
Scientific Activities and Research
ARTICLE 10- (1) Specialty students prepare and present seminars, and present and discuss articles indexed in international databases.
(2) Students are given the opportunity to participate in scientific meetings such as congresses and symposiums throughout their education. A fair participation order is established among students for these meetings. Priority is given to specialty students presenting at the meetings.
(3) Students are encouraged to actively participate in planning and conducting research, beyond their theses, during their specialty education.
(4) Scientific meetings attended by the students and research projects they are involved in are recorded in their student report card.
Duties of Educators in the Education Process
ARTICLE 11- (1) The head of the division or program coordinator assigns a faculty member as an “Advisory Faculty Member” for each specialty student within the first month of the education.
(2) The advisor faculty member is notified to the respective specialty student, the assigned faculty member, all educators, and the Dean’s Office.
Advisor Faculty Member
ARTICLE 12- (1) The advisor faculty member is responsible for:
a) Monitoring students’ progress toward the goals in the expanded core curriculum,
b) Assessing students’ competencies at the end of each semester,
c) Reviewing the specialty education report card with the student every six months and jointly planning improvements based on the achievement of goals,
ç) Recording the report card and other necessary information in the SEMS (Specialty Education Management System) together with the educators,
d) Discussing the achieved and unachieved goals in the expanded curriculum at least once every six months, accompanied by the report card,
e) Determining whether the clinical and procedural competency goals outlined in the core curriculum have been achieved by the end of each seniority year,
f) Guiding and serving as a role model for the specialty student in professional knowledge, skills, attitudes, human values, and ethics,
g) Monitoring the decision-making process for the specialty student’s thesis topic in collaboration with the “Thesis Advisor,”
ğ) Informing the program coordinator in cases of mental or physical burnout, producing appropriate solutions, and ensuring follow-up.
(2) During seniority transitions, the advisor faculty member submits a detailed report to the program coordinator. The program coordinator presents this report to the Competency Committee. Students who fail to demonstrate appropriate developmental milestones for their seniority year are reported to MSEC.
(3) After evaluating the report, the Competency Committee reviews deficiencies and issues in a meeting attended by the program coordinator and the specialty student. Problems and the corresponding action plan are documented in writing, signed by both parties, and then implemented.
Duties of Head of Division and Program Coordinator
ARTICLE 13- (1) Head of division and program coordinator are responsible for:
a) Ensuring the planning, implementation, regular review, and updating of the core and expanded curricula in collaboration with the academic board of the division,
b) Designing and developing an assessment and evaluation plan in collaboration with the academic board of the division, ensuring the use of objective and reliable methods aligned with contemporary standards for the core and expanded curricula,
c) Sending the specialty student’s appointment letter to the Dean's Office,
ç) Determining whether clinical and procedural competency goals outlined in the core curriculum have been achieved by the end of the seniority year,
d) Assigning an “Advisor Faculty Member” from the division to the specialty student upon their appointment and notifying the Dean's Office,
e) Ensuring that the organization of educational activities such as presentations, seminars, and article discussions included in the expanded training curriculum for the specialty student,
f) Planning and organizing the specialty student’s rotations,
g) Evaluating feedback provided by specialty students working in the division once a year, as well as feedback from those completing rotations at the division, and discussing the necessary adjustments in the academic board of the division,
ğ) Providing opinions and evaluations on the specialty student’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes every six months,
h) Appointing an “educator” for specialty students completing rotations in the division and ensuring their report card entries are recorded,
ı) Determining the thesis topic and advisor for the specialty student within the first half of the specialty education period in accordance with the Regulation,
i) Monitoring and ensuring that the thesis advisor records developments regarding the thesis process every 3 months,
j) Ensuring the timely and regulation-compliant completion of the specialty student’s education process.
Duration of Edaucation and Rotations
ARTICLE 14- (1) Specialty students must complete mandatory rotations as determined by the Medical Specialty Board (MSB).
(2) The curriculum of the education provided during rotations is determined jointly by the academic board of the division providing specialty education and where the rotation is conducted.
(3) The education received by the specialty student during rotations is evaluated using various methods, such as the specialty education report card, which includes the targeted medical knowledge, skills, attitudes, competencies, and proficiency objectives, as well as objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE), mini clinical exams, direct observation of practice, and medical records.
(4) If a rotation cannot be conducted within the faculty for any reason, it may be conducted outside the faculty with justification, subject to the approval of the academic boards of the relevant divisions, a recommendation from MSEC, and a decision by the Dean's Office.
(5) Upon the specialty student’s request and if deemed necessary by the academic board, additional rotations may be conducted outside the mandatory rotations with the approval of the academic board of the division. However, these additional rotations cannot be used as justification to extend the specialty education period.
(6) Specialty students must complete the mandatory rotations determined by MSB no later than three months before the end of the legal duration of specialty education.
(7) Specialty students who are already specialists in the fields in which mandatory rotations are required are considered to have completed those rotations.
ARTICLE 15-(1) The duration of specialty education and mandatory rotations outside the division are determined by MSB. Excluding periods of annual leave and leave granted for scientific meetings, periods not actively spent in specialty education (such as medical leave, unpaid leave, accompanying leave, pre- and post-natal leave, etc.) are not counted toward the specialty education period and are added to the total duration of education.
(2) Internal rotations and their durations are determined by the academic board of the division based on educational requirements.
ARTICLE 16-(1) In cases of failure during rotation training, the rotation must be repeated, and the duration is added to the total specialty education period. If the student fails again during the repeated rotation, the rotation is conducted one last time at another institution, and the duration is again added to the education period. If the student fails this final rotation, their specialty education is terminated.
Monitoring of Specialty Education
ARTICLE 17-(1) An orientation program is organized by IUEFoM MSEC and affiliated hospitals for new medical specialty students.
(2) Students are required to complete the training programs assigned to them by the IUEFoM.
(3) All announcements and communications are made through the corporate “” email addresses provided to each student.
(4) Medical specialty students are responsible for following and implementing the announcements made by the IUEFoM Dean’s Office and IUE Rectorate.
Attendance and Transfer of Institutions
ARTICLE 18- (1) The relevant articles of the Regulation are taken as basis in attending in specialty education and transfer to other institutions.
Formation and Meetings of the Medical Specialty Eduction Committee (IUEFoM MSEC)
ARTICLE 19-(1) IUEFoM MSEC consists of the heads of divisions providing specialty education and representatives of medical specialty students. The committee may invite specialty program coordinators of divisions when necessary.
(2) MSEC is responsible on behalf of the Dean’s Office for improving the specialty training process within the Faculty.
(3) The Dean or an appointed Vice Dean chairs the Committee.
(4) Members serve for a term of three years, with the possibility of reappointment upon term completion.
(5) The committee convenes with at least a two-thirds majority.
(6) The committee meets regularly at least once every three months under the leadership of the chairperson.
(7) Decisions are made by a majority vote of the attendees in meetings held with a simple majority of members.
(8) Meeting minutes signed by attendees are archived by the Dean’s Office.
(9) Secretariat services of the Committee are carried out by the secretariat of the Dean's Office, and all announcements, including the meeting agenda, are communicated via corporate email.
(10) Specialty education program coordinator and faculty members involved in Specialty Adaptation Training Program may be invited to meetings on relevant issues.
Duties and Authorities of IUEFoM-MSEC
ARTICLE 20- (1) The duties and authorities of IUEFoM-MSEC are as follows:
a) Regulating and coordinating curriculum work for Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine in line with the Medical Specialty Board (MSB) and Medical Specialty Board Curriculum Development and Standards Setting System (MSBCDB).
b) Ensuring compliance of training programs with the core curriculum.
c) Organizing and overseeing the education, training, and practical activities of medical specialty students within divisions.
ç) Planning and implementing orientation training programs for medical specialty students.
d) Overseeing the implementation of patient safety and quality training programs.
e) Proposing and, when necessary, assisting in the application of methods and tools for evaluating training programs.
f) Gathering and evaluating data for improving training programs.
g) Monitoring and assessing the functioning of training programs, proposing necessary adjustments, and following up on them.
ğ) Ensuring effective implementation and regulation of advisory processes.
h) Developing and updating guidelines, operational procedures, workflows, and job descriptions required for practical applications.
ı) Collecting and evaluating feedback from specialty students annually.
i) Providing support, conducting meetings, and preparing annual reports for the Dean’s Office to address issues concerning medical specialty students.
Specialty Education Committee
ARTICLE 21- (1) The specialty education committee consists of at least two members, including the head of the division and the program coordinator.
(2) Medical specialty students are represented on the committee by a student representative.
(3) The committee is chaired by the head of the division or the relevant program coordinator.
(4) Members serve for three years.
(5) The duties of the specialty education committee are as follows:
a) Assigning an advisory faculty member to each specialty student within the first month of their education,
b) Assigning a thesis advisor to each student during the first half of their education,
c) Preparing and updating the expanded core curriculum based on the core curriculum set by the Medical Specialty Board,
ç) Preparing the curriculum for rotations jointly with the divisions involved,
d) Overseeing the execution of internal and external rotations during the specialty education process.
e) Ensuring the proper completion of specialty education report cards,
f) Addressing issues encountered during the application of specialty education and providing opinions.
g) Evaluating students annually and reporting to MSEC.
Specialty Education Processes
ARTICLE 22- (1) Assignment of an Advisory Faculty Member: The head of the division assigns an advisory faculty member to each specialty student upon the start of their education, and this is communicated in writing to relevant parties. This also applies to students in rotation.
(2) Assignment of Thesis Advisor: A thesis advisor is assigned by the specialty education committee, considering the student's preference, during the first half of the education period.
(3) Provision of Education Guide: Each specialty student receives a “Medical Specialty Education Guide.” This guide includes “Bylaw on Specialization Education in Medicine and Dentistry”, “IUE Regulation on Medical Specialty Education”, “IUE Medical Specialty Education Policies”, “IUE Graduate School Thesis Manual”, “Division-Specific Explanations”, “Expanded Core Curriculum”, and orientation training program.
(4) Participation in Orientation Program: When specialty students start their education they participate in an orientation program including information on the institution and education processes, legal responsibilities, and various topics such as professional development, communication, deontology, hospital infection, patient and work safety, quality improvement, laboratory safety, prepared jointly by IUEFoM Dean’s Office and the Chief Physician of the hospital with which an affiliation agreement has been made. Attendance is mandatory, and participation is documented with a certificate and kept in the student’s personal file.
(5) Specialty Education Report Card: A report card is created for each student, in which the theoretical and practical activities and academic activities in the expanded core curriculum will be recorded. Completion of activities outlined in the core curriculum is mandatory, and a certified copy of the report card is provided to students upon graduation. The medical specialty student is responsible for the completion of the report card.
(6) Specialty Thesis: Each specialty student prepares a thesis, as required by “Bylaw on Specialization Education in Medicine and Dentistry”. The thesis topic must be determined during the first half of the education period and the thesis advisor must be appointed and notified to the candidate. The thesis topic is determined by the academic board of the division among the thesis topics determined by the board, taking into account the request of the specialty student and notified to the Dean's Office. The thesis is started after the approval of the ethics committee. The thesis is evaluated quarterly by the thesis advisor and its progress is entered into the report card system. When a negative report is given by the thesis advisor during the thesis process, the academic board of the division and the Head of the Division submit their corrective suggestions regarding the thesis process to MSEC and the Dean's Office.
Evaluation of Education
ARTICLE 23– (1) The purpose of evaluation is to determine whether the achievements of specialty students during the education process meet the expected standards, provide feedback to both students and faculty members regarding students’ progress, and assess how well the program objectives are being met. Evaluation is done in accordance with existing legal regulations as well as systematic and objective criteria. Throughout and at the end of the process, specialty students are assessed through exams comprising theoretical and practical components in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
(2) Evaluations during the process:
a) Evaluations conducted throughout the process for specialty students are carried out using the “Program Coordinator’s Evaluation Form for Specialty Students,” which is completed every six months.
b) For transition to seniority levels, an exam that includes questions related to the specialty field, covering the topics of the training program, prepared and conducted using objective and reliable methods, is administered with the participation of all specialty students in the respective division. The results are recorded in the student’s report card.
c) If an oral exam is also desired during the seniority transition, the academic board of the respective division determines the jury members. The head of the division and/or the program coordinator must be included in the oral exam jury.
ç) The expected achievement levels for each seniority level in these exams are defined in advance by the academic board of the respective division. Specialty students are expected to achieve success appropriate to their seniority promotion during the process.
d) Exam results are privately communicated to the student.
e) Additionally, interim or additional exams determined by the division may also be conducted for the evaluation of specialty students.
f) If a specialty student receives a negative evaluation based on the Program Coordinator’s Evaluation Form, they are formally warned by the Dean’s Office. If the student receives two consecutive negative evaluations, action is taken in accordance with the relevant regulation.
g) Feedback from specialty students: Specialty students evaluate the education and educators annually in terms of quality and quantity.
(3) Specialty Thesis and Its Evaluation
a) In the first half of the specialty education, the thesis advisor, determined by the academic board, selects the thesis topic and title with the specialty student before the end of the first half. The thesis topic and title are presented to the academic board and recorded in the report card upon approval.
b) Ethics Committee approval is obtained for the thesis study whose topic, title, and research method are determined.
c) In cases of changes to the thesis advisor, topic, title, or research method, the Ethics Committee must be informed for approval.
ç) The thesis study is monitored by the thesis advisor, and progress reports are recorded in the student’s report card every three months.
d) The thesis must be submitted to the head of the division no later than three months before the completion of the specialty education period. If it is not submitted within this time, the thesis advisor and the specialty student are warned in writing.
e) The thesis jury consists of three primary and two substitute members, one of whom is the thesis advisor. The head of the division determines the jury and submits it for approval.
f) The jury, approved by the Dean’s Office, evaluates the thesis and the student defends it before the jury within one month the latest.
g) The jury reports the evaluation result in writing with justification.
ğ) If the thesis defense is deemed successful, the specialty student prepares its full text as a single file in accordance with the "Guide for the Collection of Graduate Theses Prepared at Higher Education Institutions via the Internet" and saves it digitally. The thesis, along with the Thesis Data Entry and Publication Permission Form, is submitted to the Dean’s Office.
h) The specialty student writes the approved thesis as an article, which is then submitted to a journal selected with the thesis advisor.
ı) If the thesis is found insufficient, the student is given up to six months to complete and correct deficiencies. If the corrections extend beyond the specialty education period, the additional time is added to the education duration. Once completed, the revised thesis is evaluated by the same jury as described above. Upon acceptance of the thesis and fulfillment of other conditions, the student may take the specialty education exit exam.
i) If the thesis is not accepted for a second time or if it is not submitted within six months after the end of the education period without a valid legal excuse, the student's specialty student status is terminated. A student whose status is terminated can complete the same thesis or a newly approved thesis within two years. Failure to submit or gain acceptance of the thesis within this period results in permanent termination of the specialty education status.
Specialty Education Exit Exam
ARTICLE 24- (1) Specialty students, who have completed the specialty education period and rotations, had the relevant sections of the core curriculum approved by the program coordinator, and had their thesis accepted are entitled to take the specialty education exit exam.
(2) The documents of these students are submitted to the Dean’s Office within fifteen business days to determine the exam jury members, exam location, and date. Those with complete documents are allowed to take the scheduled exam.
(3) Exit exams are conducted by the exam jury on the date and location announced by the Dean’s Office. The jury for the specialty education exit exam is formed in accordance with the applicable legal regulations and recorded in the report card.
(4) The jury consists of five members, at least three of whom are educators from the specialty field in which the exam is conducted. The remaining members may include educators from the rotation areas of the specialty field or other fields deemed appropriate by the board. Additionally, two substitute members are selected. The jury members elect a chair and a secretary among themselves.
(5) The specialty exam consists of two stages: professional knowledge exam and practical and skill exam.
a) Professional Knowledge Exam: The candidate takes the history, performs an examination, and provides their diagnosis and treatment comments for a case selected by the jury. In laboratory-based fields, the candidate is asked to provide comments on topics selected by the jury. If necessary, materials are provided, and applications are observed. The professional knowledge exam is conducted as a structured oral exam in a single session. Each member is required to ask the candidate questions. The questions are framed to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge within the scope of the core curriculum of the specialty field.
b) Practical and Skill Exam: This exam measures the technical applications and skills necessary for diagnosis and treatment, specific to the specialty field.
(6) Each jury member assigns separate scores out of 100 for the professional knowledge exam and the practical and skill exam. The questions asked, responses received, and observations from the skill exam are recorded by the secretary member and signed by all jury members. These are attached to the "Specialty Education Exit Exam Minutes." The average score for each stage is calculated, and if the averages for both exams are 60 or above, the candidate is deemed successful. The results are recorded in the minutes and signed by all jury members.
(7) Candidates who fail the first specialty exam or do not attend are given another chance to take the exam within three months. During this period, the candidate's affiliation with their position is not terminated. Those, who fail the second attempt or do not attend are dismissed from their specialty student position. In such cases, dismissed students are granted the right to apply for two exams within the following six months, with the jury members and the institution where the exam will be conducted determined by the Medical Specialty Board. Candidates who fail these exams or do not attend lose all rights associated with their specialty education.
Issuance of Specialty Certificates and Dismissal from the University
ARTICLE 25- (1) The certificates of those who successfully complete their specialty education are sent to the Ministry of Health by the Rectorate within fifteen days.
(2) Before leaving the University, the specialty student must submit the appropriately completed and approved clearance form to the University's Human Resources Directorate.
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
ARTICLE 26-(1) Program coordinators are responsible for ensuring that the articles in this regulation are communicated to faculty members and specialty students, and are implemented fully.
ARTICLE 27-(1) This Regulation takes effect on the date it is approved by the Faculty Board of Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine and the Senate of Izmir University of Economics.
ARTICLE 28-(1) The Dean of IUE Faculty of Medicine enforces the provisions of this Regulation on behalf of the Rector of the Izmir University of Economics.
This Regulation took effect with the Senate decision dated 13.11.2024 and numbered 541-2024/21-C2.